Low-cost Hydrogen Fuel Cells Being Developed by Alkaline Fuel Cell Power

It is estimated that by 2050, €180-470 billion will be invested into renewable hydrogen technologies in Europe alone, and in the range of €3-18 billion for low-carbon fossil-based hydrogen. There is no doubt that clean energy has become a critical concern in Europe and will soon become one for the rest of the world as well. Environmental stakeholders are demanding for action to take place.

Currently hydrogen use around the world as a source of energy is low, but it is poised to become a big source of cleaner energy in the future. Within the next 30 years it is estimated that hydrogen could supply nearly a quarter of world energy demand.

Alkaline Fuel Cell Power” is currently working to complete a prototype build of their first full hydrogen fuel cell system outputting 4kW with the goal of making these fuel cells available to consumers in 2024. What makes Alkaline Fuel Cell Power’s systems different from the ones available right now is that they were specifically designed for use in the residential and other smaller sized power markets. This is due to the low material cost of the design, which uses common materials such as nickel, graphite, and plastic.

In practice hydrogen fuel cells convert hydrogen into electricity, which can be used to power a house, with the only by-products being heat and pure water. The current energy storage technology solutions that are comparable to Alkaline Fuel Cell Power’s designs are too expensive for use for residential purposes. The design of Alkaline Fuel Cell Power micro-CHPs has lower material costs, making it more viable for the consumer market.

The hydrogen market size was valued to be in the range of USD 120 billion in 2020 and fuel cells like these are in high demand as they produce zero emissions of CO2 or other harmful gasses. The demand for zero emission technology is outpacing supply however, as current technology is inadequate to meet market needs.

The price leading fuel cell manufacturing technology of Alkaline Fuel Cell Power allows for high volume production and is designed to fill the increasing consumer demand trend for clean energy.